Disciplinary Actions

View the list of persons and entities that have been served with a Desist and Refrain Order and/or Accusation by the Department of Real Estate resulting from a loan modification and/or foreclosure rescue transaction.

Actions Taken Against a Licensed or Unlicensed Person/Entity for Short Sale Transactions

View the list of persons and entities that have been served with a Desist and Refrain Order and/or Accusation by the Department of Real Estate for unlicensed or unlawful acts in connection with short sale transactions.

Actions Taken Against Unlicensed Real Estate Activities

View the Unlicensed Activities listing of persons or entities that have been issued a Desist and Refrain Order for conducting real estate activity without being properly licensed. Use our Real Estate License Look-Up system if you are uncertain about whether a person or entity is licensed.

View the Citations Issued for Unlicensed Activity to persons or entities for conducting real estate activity without being properly licensed. Use our Real Estate License Look-Up system if you are uncertain about whether a person or entity is licensed.

Actions Taken Against Course Providers

View the list of course providers that have had disciplinary action taken against their Department of Real Estate approval to offer Pre-License/Statutory and/or Continuing Education courses.

Actions Taken Against Subdivision Violations

View the Subdivision Violations listing of persons or entities that have been issued a Desist and Refrain Order for a violation of the Subdivided Lands Act. To ascertain if the violation(s) has been corrected, please contact the appropriate Subdivision Section, Northern California or Southern California.

Actions Taken Against Unlicensed Prepaid Rental Listing Service Activities

View the Unlicensed Prepaid Rental Listing Service Activities listing of persons or entities that have been issued a Desist and Refrain Order. If further information about a Prepaid Rental Listing Service Company is required, please check with the nearest DRE Enforcement Office.

Notices of Intention to Issue Bar Orders and Bar Orders

View the list of persons and entities that have been barred by the Department of Real Estate from engaging in activities subject to regulation under the Real Estate Law and/or other specified real estate related activities.

Summary of Enforcement Actions

View monthly summaries of enforcement actions issued by the Department of Real Estate against licensed and unlicensed individuals. Summaries include disciplinary actions initiated against real estate licensees; orders to desist and refrain from unlawful activities; decisions on petition applications to reinstate/remove restrictions from licensees; applications for licenses that have been denied and/or were issued restricted licenses; and licenses that have been voluntarily surrendered.

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