Each report is sorted alphabetically by operator last name and includes their certification number, the type of certificate(s) held, and the next expiration date for each certificate:
The WWSO Board approves applications for continuing education on a quarterly basis. In an effort to assist operators find appropriate training, recent Board approved training will be posted upon approval.
These lists include active links to Training Sponsor's websites (exception: employer training meant for utility employees), known dates of training and course format (online, classroom, etc). These courses can also be found on the "Training Programs for Operators/ Superintendents" (historical search engine). Please check back regularly for updated information.
To locate a particular renewal form, the operator's expiration date and certificate number are required. Since the applications are database generated, all certificates that expire in the same month are printed in one report in order of certification numbers. Operators can find their certification number using the Active Operator Reports on this web page.
The TWO PAGE application can be downloaded and must be submitted with fee and proof of continuing education by mail or deposited into MDE's lock box at 1800Washington Blvd (Baltimore 21230) - receipts cannot be issued. Board staff recommends submitting renewal applications at least 60 days prior to expiration date to avoid delays and late fees. Board staff will continue mailing renewal forms approximately 120days prior to expiration. Renewal forms have been updated to include consent to receive certificates by email for download.
The Board of Waterworks and Waste Systems Operators establishes the education, experience and examination standards which must be satisfied by operators and superintendents of water and wastewater treatment systems in the State, and issues and renews certificates based upon these standards.
The Board consists of eleven members. The Governor appoints eight of the members with the advice of the Secretary of the Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE), and the advice and consent of the State Senate. The Secretary of the Environment appoints the other three members.
The members appointed by the Governor serve four-year terms and may be reappointed. The members appointed by the Secretary of MDE serve at the pleasure of the Secretary.