Features - Floris Mod Pack for Mount & Blade: Warband
The Floris Mod Pack is a compilation of a lot of mods for Mount & Blade Warband, combining the best and adding even more.
All the features of the three versions of the Floris Mod Pack.
Posted by monnikje on Jan 17th, 2012
GE: New Combat animations for Swords, Spears & Shields, Polearms, Archery, Two-Handed Swords, Pike-bracing and Shield bashing
BGE: Each faction has a unique style
BGE: Coloured Faction Arms
BGE: New map icons, including some that reflect the scene
A new set of items, with:
B: 1288 new items on top of the native ones, making a total of 1891 items
G: A total of 863 items
E: A total of 1856 items
BGE: a complete overhaul of the items
BGE: Floris specific items
GE: Some native items replaced by better ones
New songs:
BE: 109 new songs
G: 65 new songs
E: New buildings for all factions
BGE: New banners
GE: Lords and companions all have their unique banners
BGE: Improved scenes, with better arenas, challenging new castles and redone training fields
GE: New face textures for both men and women, specific for each faction
GE: More female hair types
GE: Women can now wear earrings
New sounds:
BE: 1103 new sounds
G: 429 new sounds
BGE: Improved graphics
GE: New skyboxes
GE: Expanded terrain borders
GE: Better trees
GE: A new skill: foraging
GE: Troops get (dis)advantages based on the terrain and type
GE: Build barracks
GE: Better blood tweaks
GE: Bodyguards and escorts when moving into towns and taverns
GE: Buy your troops ale
GE: Custom Commander, which offers:
Choose an npc instead of the player to lead the battle
Auto-selling system
Pathfinding now increaes your party map speed
Increased speed for a short time when leaving soldiers behind when fleeing
Extra experience based on your intelligence
Mystic merchants where you can buy items without knowing the prefix
The hitpoints of a horse influence its speed
Custom camera for battles
View the upgrade trees
Check ingame the effect of a prefix on an item
Many mod options in camp menu
Recruit troops for your own towns and castles
Change the faction coloursNew quest about solving bandit heroes
Show shot distance on screenShow next pay day in report menu
Custom troops
GE: Customizable sparring matches
GE: Custom Player Party Name
GE: Diplomacy, which offers:
Amount of recruits available in villages depends on several factors
The hitpoints of a horse influence its speed
As a vassal:
Persuasion attempts to convince your king to start a war
Appoint a chamberlain, who will decrease tax inefficiency by 10% and gives you the ability to set tax rates
Appoint a constable who recruits and trains troops and provides information about garrisons and troops of lords
Send patrols to important locations
Appoint a chancellor who sends gifts and messengers to other lords
Village and town riots may occure if the people hate you and have to pay high tax rates
Let your spouse buy some food
Pay staff salary
Troops will start running away if you go into debts (this also applies to garrisons)
Return fiefs to your king
Move your residence (via spouse)
Negotiate Mid-siege surrender/walk-out terms if defending your own keeps and towns
Affiliate to familiesSend scouts to settlements
Pay to avoid defeat
As king:
Threaten other kingdoms with war and try to squeeze money out of them
If a faction sues for peace you will have the option to set terms
Possiblity to send a gift to another faction (fief or money)
Send a spy to another kingdom
Form an alliance, conclude a defensive pact, sign a trade agreement or conclude a non-aggression treaty with another faction
Change the domnestic policy of your kingdom
When asking for a truce you will get the option to pay and/or give fiefs to conclude a truce
If another faction recognizes you as king you will have the option to ask for help against your enemy and in certain circumstances support the decision by paying money
Choose your faction culture so all your lords will recruit the same type of troops
Exchange or release your (own) prisoners
Distribute spoils of war after you conquered a town or castle
Send emissaries to persuade lords to join your kingdom
GE: Expanded dialogues
GE: Titles depending on possessions
GE: Forced recruiting
GE: Formations
GE: Join any side of the battle
GE: Lancers now use the right weapon in both battles and tournaments
GE: Morale penalty based on troops quality
GE: New presentations for:
Character Creation
Companions Overview
GE: Several new orders, like:
Skirmish mode
Volley Fire
Weapon Type Switch
GE: Spear Bracing
GE: Sea Battles
GE: Trade good modifiers
GE: Towns and castles receive reinforcements from their neighbouring villages
GE: Join the service of a lord as a freelancer, which offers:
Opportunity to gain ranks, with new equipment & higher pay for each rank
Ability to desert the army and take followers with you
Ability to revolt against the lord and release prisoners
Ability to go on personal leave and remain part of commanders army, altough relation changes
Interact with commander in a meeting scene
Ask commander personally to retire from service
No need to hold space bar while commander travels
Quartermaster hands you food when you are low
You can no longer have prisoners as a common soldier
Player being able to pick up items from the battlefield and keeping them
Player unable to ride a horse in battle unless his/her troop tier uses them
Have all items taken back from previous tier when promoted
GE: Estates of the Realm
GE: Fog of War, which can be turned off
GE: Kingdom Management Tools
GE: Landowners and moneylenders where you can buy land from
GE: Multiple Troop Trees. Choose between three different types of trees
GE: Pre-battle orders & deployment, which means:
Place orders to your troops before the battle
Split one troop type into two divisions
New AI options for using special attack orders, battle AI
Ranged weapon proficiencies lowered in bad weather conditions
Flags on the backspace-menu minimap for all divisions, preference screen includes option tips
Orders to specify to each division which Weapon Type to use
Original M&B-style feature: De-horsed Cavalry are Re-assigned
Anti-Cavalry & Horse Trample buffs
Battle Continuation with two DeathCam modes
A Custom 'Follow' camera mode for in-battle
GE: Seafaring
GE: Special troops and tactics
GE: Trade ledger
GE: Trade with Merchant Caravans
GE: Tournament Play Enhancements, which means:
Entry options: choose your equipment, if you have a horse or gain other enhancements
Renown Scaling: Renown gained from winning a tournament now scales based upon your level
Companion Specializing: Companions can have permanent entry options set for them
Randomizing: Retains the general randomness of Native if you wish not to preselect items
Lord Reactions: Friendly lords that are present at the tournament will have a favorable reaction to your win while enemies will have a negative one
Lady Reactions: Your relation will improve with all ladies present to witness your valor in the arena
Persistent Betting: You may select your bet amount from a drop down menu in the settings window that stays set throughout the tournament
Dynamic Weapon AI: Enemies in the tournament will now switch between ranged and melee weapons (assuming they have acquired both) depending on the distance of the closest enemy
Player Customization: Players can now elect to disable the mod in game returning tournaments back to function as they do in the native game
GE: 6 new companions, making a total of 22 companions