Historic Preservation Board

Promotes welfare of City through preservation and protection of historic structures, sites, monuments and areas. Recommends to City Council establishment of historic districts, designation of historic landmarks, and holds public hearings.

At least four (4) board members must reside in the City’s Historic Districts, with as many different historic districts represented as possible: Downtown, Lake Cherokee, Lake Copeland, Lake Eola Heights, Lake Lawsona, and Colonialtown South.

Whenever possible, the Mayor shall consider appointments from one or more of the following organizations, professions, or groups:
a. Local historian and/or architectural or art historian;
b. Land planning/development;
c. Architecture;
d. Landscape Architecture;
e. Land use law with experience in historic preservation;
f. Urban design;
g. Real Estate; and
h. Engineering

Size 9 Members Term Length 2 Year Term Limit 3 Terms